Tag Archives: exhibition opportunity

Make your proposal now!

No, we’re not asking you to get down on one knee or anything.  The City Gallery at Waterfront Park is inviting all contemporary artists to submit their fine art exhibition proposals.  It can be installation, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, you name it.  You may propose group or solo shows–but if you want a solo show, we advise you make sure you can fill it!  This space is a gift from the city of Charleston to artists and art lovers everywhere.  So make good use of it!

Submission deadline is September 1, 2010 by 5 pm.

Drop off your proposals in person at the City Gallery, email it to Gallery Coordinator Erin Glaze at Glazee@charleston-sc.gov, or mail it to the City Gallery, but make sure it’s there by 5 pm on September 1st!

Proposal packet should include: letter of intent, Curriculum Vitae, press clippings, high resolution images–minimum  300 dpi, people! projected budget, including but not limited to: artwork shipment/transportation, gallery guide/brochure, postcard invitation, outside exhibition banner, opening reception catering and beverage, installation materials, etc.

City Gallery at Waterfront Park, 34 Prioleau Street, Charleston, SC 29401.  843.958.6484